Wine tasting and how to present yourself on all occasions. 

In professional life, architects who graduate from the Universidad Panamericana will have the opportunity to live in high-level environments in which decisions must be made regarding their architectural projects and large real estate investments. For this reason, the School of Architecture offers this workshop in which students have a meeting with topics of social development that train them in topics of how to present themselves in social situations with investors and decision makers.

The workshop had two presentations, the first by Professor Patricia Obregón Salado, professional and advisor on protocol matters. The teacher explained to the students the advantages of good professional personal presentation in business environments and invited them to generate a personal image in accordance with their profession. His presentation was very didactic, presenting examples of appropriate and inappropriate personal images; in short, she emphasized that it is appropriate to create a good perception of oneself before any interlocutor.

In the second part of the event, the oenologist and master wine sommelier Claudio Innes developed a tasting of four wines through which he exemplified to the attendees how it is correct to appreciate a wine and determine its level of quality. Additionally, he used the appropriate vocabulary to develop wine culture in students so that some terms do not seem strange to them when they are in a social situation that involves tasting good dishes with high-level wine.

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Alberto Hernández Yamamoto