Visit to INAH

November 9th, 2023.


The National Institute of Anthropology and History, through Architect Iván Sánchez, invited the School of Architecture of the Universidad Panamericana to attend a talk in which he shared with students a series of extremely interesting topics regarding protection and conservation of historical and artistic heritage in relation to buildings.

During the talk, Architect Sánchez shared with students and academics a little of the urban history of the City of Aguascalientes with the objective of appreciating the architectural heritage of the city and fostering in students an awareness of preservation and respect for buildings of interest historical.


The presentation included an explanation about what is artistic heritage and what is historical heritage, as well as the definition of protected areas recognized by UNESCO.


The attending students expressed their comments and doubts and ended with a clear idea of ​​how to proceed in their professional practice when they have a project that involves an intervention that may affect a building protected by the INAH.

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Alberto Hernández Yamamoto