International  Day of Light

Within the framework of the International Day of Light, celebrated on May 16th, the School of Architecture of Universidad Panamericana in Aguascalientes offered the conference titled “Light on the International Day of Light”, given by the renowned expert Mtro. Álvaro Nieva Montes de Oca.


Mr. Nieva, who has a specialization in the subject from the Philips International Institute in Eindhoven, Netherlands, addressed the topic of light from various perspectives, including cultural, religious and its applications in art and architecture.


During his presentation, Mr. Nieva highlighted the importance of proper light management in inhabited spaces, emphasizing how lighting can be used to create precisely planned emotional sensations to enhance the human experience.


With more than 30 years of experience in the field, Mr. Nieva has designed the lighting of important sculptural and architectural works throughout Mexico, including the El Edén Mine in Zacatecas, the Museum of Death in Aguascalientes and the El Ave Fénix Monument in AHMSA, Monclova, Coahuila.


Mr. Nieva has received multiple honors for his work, including:


• “Edwin F. Guth” Award from the IESNA in 2007

• Merit Award from the IESNA in 2010

• First place in research projects Salvador González Award from La Salle University


Currently, Mr. Álvaro Nieva Montes de Oca is the president for Mexico of the Illuminating Engineering Society of the USA, establishing himself as an authority in the field of architectural lighting.

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Alberto Hernández Yamamoto