International Architecture Talk

June 27th 2024.

Within the framework of its international networking activities with prominent architects from around the world, the School of Architecture of the Universidad Panamericana organized the event "International Architecture Talk", which featured the presentation of three high-level lectures.


Representing the Rzeszów University of Technology in Poland, Dr. Tomasz Tomaszec gave a keynote lecture on old wooden buildings with historical value in his country and their sophisticated conservation techniques, a field in which Dr. Tomaszec is a renowned expert.


From the University of the Isthmus of Guatemala (UNIS), architect Julián González Gómez presented the fascinating topic of the baroque imprint in the city of Antigua Guatemala, explaining its origins and the local particularities that make the baroque in Guatemala a unique expression.


Luis Arturo Méndez Alba, dean of the School of Architecture of the Universidad Panamericana, shared with the attendees the interesting topic of the contributions of the Mayan culture to architecture, showing evidence of the magnificent contributions that the Mayans left in their impressive buildings, which have served as a reference for later applications in other cultures.


The event was attended by academics, students, and international visitors to the university, who were amazed by the cultural wealth shared by the speakers.

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Alberto Hernández Yamamoto