Architecture Deans 

of the Americas 2024

From February 22 to 25, 2024, the meeting of deans of Schools of Architecture from across the American continent was held in the city of Puebla, Mexico.


This event, organized by the University of New Mexico, Florida International University, the Isthmus School of Architecture of Panama and the La Salle University in Pachuca, Mexico, is the fourth organized having as a direct precedent the one held in 2014 in the City from Antigua in Guatemala.


Deans 2024 was attended by more than 60 deans from Schools of Architecture from all over America addressing three core themes: education of architecture across borders, climate change and its implications, human displacement and migration, and artificial intelligence in the teaching of architecture. For each thematic axis, keynote lectures were offered by experts and there were analysis tables throughout the entire event.

Our dean, Luis Arturo Méndez Alba, attended representing our School of Architecture at the Universidad Panamericana, participating in the working groups on the topic of artificial intelligence in architecture.


On the final day of the meeting, the three teams from the thematic analysis tables shared their conclusions with the other teams, with the idea of ​​carrying out an implementation of these in each of the architecture schools on the continent.


This hemispheric meeting served for all attendees to share points of view regarding the core themes, exchange concepts of relevance to the teaching of architecture in today's world and connect for future joint activities.

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Alberto Hernández Yamamoto