Artificial Intelligence in Design 

Our dean with Dr. Jonathas Magalhãnes Pereira da Silva dean of the School of Architecture of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Campinas in Brasil, Dr. Homero Hernández Tena president of ASINEA, and PhD. Arq. Carlos Eduardo Hernández Rodríguez,  Dean of the Architecture School of LaSalle University of Colombia.

As part of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Bachelor of Architecture at the Universidad del Sinú in the city of Montería in Colombia, our dean, Mtro. Luis Arturo Méndez Alba offered the keynote lecture “AI in Design”.


Dean Méndez was invited by Dr. Emilio Florez, dean of the Faculty of Human Sciences, Art, and Design of the Universidad del Sinú, following their attendance at the Deans Meeting 2024 in Puebla, Mexico at the beginning of the year, in which they participated actively at the discussion group on Artificial Intelligence in Architecture.

Our dean, Mr. Méndez presented an entire analysis of the implications of artificial intelligence as an exceptional work tool in the professional practice of architecture. Likewise, he explained its basic operation from a technical and conceptual point of view to finally showed examples of its correct use within the project methodology.


The presentation culminated with a questions and answers session in which issues of ethics, legality and how to integrate artificial intelligence in the teaching of architecture were mainly discussed.

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Alberto Hernández Yamamoto