Lecture ARQ INTRO 1232

January 25th, 2023

For the opening of courses of the School of Architecture of Universidad Panamericana campus Aguascalientes during January 2023, Dr. Peter Reilly gave a lecture about the great opportunities graduated architects have in an open digital world.

Dr. Reilly is an American specialist in the teaching and learning of English who came to our school to invite the students to learn English in order to be connected to the world and take full advantage of the opportunities found everywhere at the internet.

Dr. Reilly was so kind to offer some examples to the students. For instance, to take a Coursera course online and get a certificate from Harvard University, what would be impossible some years ago, or the possibility to contact the most prestigious expert in architecture to stablish connection, or even to ask for a position in the other side of the world.

What Dr. Reilly explained all these options have in common is that all of them require a good level of English and ended his presentation inviting the architecture students to avoid laziness while in English class because English means plenty of opportunities for their future.

As closing of the event, Luis Arturo Méndez Alba, dean of the School of Architectura made a brief presentation of all the agreements the School has with international universities and architecture firms.

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Alberto Hernández Yamamoto
